Did You Hear?

We've been nominated for Dallas' Best Stationer via DMagazine. Yep! That's right. It's our third year to be nominated and we are asking you dear reader to support our passion for paper and design and VOTE for us! It's super easy and you have all week...in fact, you can vote everyday. You read that right...Every.Day. Do eeeettt. Here's how:

Simply open your web browser to this webpage. Go to page 3, # 20 and click, Between the Sheets Co. Go to the next page and "submit ballot." Shazam! Done.

If we win, we are going to throw a par-tay and you're gonna want to be a part of it. The champs will be flowing and there will be personalized goodies!

So won't you go vote? Puh-leese?

xoxo erin